Set in an imaginary modern-day Spain, a divided country on the brink of political chaos, its main character is Antonia (played by Velilla), a young investigative journalist who, by chance, stumbles upon a conspiracy that was cooked up decades ago: she learns of the existence of a cryogenically frozen super-agent, García (Ortiz), who was created in a laboratory in the 1950s by F...
正在播放:加西亚先生第6集 。 更新于10-08 16:48,播放来源于云播TP。
加西亚先生第6集在线观看。 更新于10-08 16:48,播放来源于云播TP。
剧情介绍:第6集-Set in an imaginary modern-day Spain, a divided country on the brink of political chaos, its main character is Antonia (played by Velilla), a young investigative journalist who, by chance, stumbles upon a conspiracy that was cooked up decades ago: she learns of the existence of a cryogenically frozen super-agent, García (Ortiz), who was created in a laboratory in the 1950s by F...——新影视分享提供。