介绍: ThehistoryoftheaqueductthatbringsdrinkingwatertoLisbon,acrossmountains…… 更多Aqueduto das Águas Livres: 250 Anos a dar de beber à vida介绍
Aqueduto das Águas Livres: 250 Anos a dar de beber à vida又名Aqueduto das Águas Livres: 250 years... giving life water
The history of the aqueduct that brings drinking water to Lisbon, across mountains and valleys, and a poetic story line of water being the essence of man's life.
发布于1998年。由Paulo Mauricio Adrião执导,并且由编剧Anamar携幕后团队创作。集众多位André Maia、Anamar、Rui Pimpão、Carlos Duarte、Mila Belo、Miguel Velez等著名实力派明星加盟。并于1998-05-01(葡萄牙)公映的电影。