A Sound of My Own


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A Sound of My Own剧情内容介绍

A Sound of My Own

She first appeared on stage at the age of eleven with the legendary Krautrock band “Embryo”. Her father Christian Burchard founded the band in 1969 and led it until 2016. Today – in her mid-thirties – Marja Burchard is the bandleader in this *******, which has become a kind of family for her. But what seems so ****** and organic is far from self-evident in an extremely male-dom...

发布于2021年。由Rebecca Zehr执导,并于2021-10-27(莱比锡国际纪录片节)公映的电影。


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A Sound of My Own评价

  • 87/100,很舒*,很享受音樂,鏡頭調度,意識流式拼接組合,切換變化的快慢節奏營造的氛圍,這種私人性的通過鏡頭的溝通與感覺的交融就很美妙

  • 一部带有实验性的纪录片,在某些创作的时刻,观众可以轻松**到当事人的情绪当中,父女的即兴实验音乐/影像交替进行,三屏双屏影像使空间重新配列组***品的继承与发展,父女之间的相似与差异性都被呈现出来,耳蜗的动画十分具有趣味性。

  • 非常實驗性的電影,喜歡音效和部分抽象的******場面。【#第25屆首爾女性電影節,朋友邀請去看的。
