Atlantic Rhapsody - 52 myndir úr Tórshavn


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《Atlantic Rhapsody - 52 myndir úr Tórshavn》在线观看和下载

Atlantic Rhapsody - 52 myndir úr Tórshavn剧情内容介绍

Atlantic Rhapsody - 52 myndir úr Tórshavn

Presents a day in the life of a few inhabitants of Tórshavn in the Faroe Islands: A father and his daughter are having breakfast when the fire-brigade drive by. A woman and her child are looking at the fire and meet a married couple. The couple say hello to a man who is going out with his boat... and so on.

发布于1989年。由Katrin Ottarsdóttir执导,并于1989公映的电影。

豆瓣评分未知,暂时没有评分,请继续等待。类型为纪录片的电影。创作于丹麦、Faroe Islands地区,具有Faroese语言版本。

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Atlantic Rhapsody - 52 myndir úr Tórshavn评价

  • 结合之前看的片,法罗群岛的人们比较擅长自得其乐...无论是Hammerfest,Riga还是Tórshavn都不需要北方巴黎这个头衔增色
