介绍: Theeventsofthefilmtakeplaceinthe50sinoneofthemostbeautifulcitiesinthew…… 更多被祝福的布哈拉介绍
被祝福的布哈拉原名:Blagoslovennaya Bukhara,又名The Blessed Bukhara
The events of the film take place in the 50s in one of the most beautiful cities in the world - blessed Bukhara. This is a story about street poets living in abandoned cemeteries, in mosques, on the rooftops. A new **** is built in Bukara, an ancient **** where residents live, and the model of humanity is trapped in an irresolvable struggle between the'new' and the'old'. 'New' ...
发布于1991年。由Bako Sadykov执导,并且由编剧Bako Sadykov携幕后团队创作。并于1991公映的电影。
Beautiful photography screened in 35mm... Like an old red wine opened in the exact right timing.