英雌剿匪战原名:Both Sides of the Law,又名Street Corner
The daily work and routine of women police built around three story lines. The first involves an 18-year-old girl who is picked up for shoplifting. The second story tells of a female deserter who becomes involved in bigamy. The third is about a baby who is mistreated by its father and step-mother, but is reunited, through police work, with its mother. Muriel Box and her husband...
发布于1953年。由Muriel Box执导,并且由编剧穆里尔·博克斯、西德尼·博克斯携幕后团队创作。集众多位安妮·克劳馥、佩吉·卡明斯、罗莎蒙德·约翰、泰伦斯·摩根、芭芭拉·默里、Sarah Lawson、罗纳德·霍华德等著名实力派明星加盟。并于1953-03-17(伦敦)公映的电影。