介绍: Duringaceremonyinanoldparishinthe****center,agroupofworshipers***ofpoi…… 更多堕落天使的回忆录介绍
堕落天使的回忆录原名:Memorias del ángel caído,又名Fallen Angel's Memoirs
During a ceremony in an old parish in the **** center, a group of worshipers *** of poisoning after taking communion. The police take up the investigation while the priests, who have remained in the church, begin to suffer strange visions. Superb, subtle and deeply haunting occult drama. Some of the very finest actors in Spain star in this superb gem. It is a genuinely unsettli...
发布于1997年。由David Alonso、Fernando Cámara执导,并且由编剧David Alonso、Fernando Cámara携幕后团队创作。集众多位Santiago Ramos、Emilio Gutiérrez Caba等著名实力派明星加盟。并于1997公映的电影。