Erkan und Stefan


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Erkan und Stefan剧情内容介绍

Erkan und Stefan

Editor Eckernförde has come into the possession of an audiocassette that contains a recording of the last minutes of deceased politician Uwe Barschel. The circumstances of his untimely death have never been completely resolved - until now. Unfortunately, the editor's daughter Nina accidentally takes the tape with her to Munich, where she is about to visit her paralyzed Mom in a...

发布于2000年。由Michael Herbig执导,集众多位约翰·弗里德曼、Florian Simbeck等著名实力派明星加盟。


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Erkan und Stefan评价

  • 就好傻好好笑,尤其里面那个*** Mauer muss weg就笑喷了行嘛!!
