介绍: 跟我走原名:Следвайме,又名FollowMe。创作于保加利亚地区,具有保加利亚语语言版本。由DochoBodzhakov执导,并由D…… 更多跟我走介绍
跟我走原名:Следвай ме,又名Follow Me。创作于保加利亚地区,具有保加利亚语语言版本。由Docho Bodzhakov执导,并由Docho Bodzhakov任编剧,携幕后团队创作。于2003公映。
This is a road movie. Ivan and Maria meet at the roar accidentally. They are going in their separate directions - headed for their own problems, for their own worlds. Gradually, however, their separate ways turn out to have much in common. Being both dependent on their pasts, they now try to **** each other so as to get through with their dependencies and start their life clear...