Gorillaz: Dare


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Gorillaz: Dare剧情内容介绍

Gorillaz: Dare

The video was directed by Jamie Hewlett and Pete Candeland. The video calls back to classic horror movies. In the very beginning of the video we see Gorillaz' 'reject false icons' statue, which one may recognize as Pazuzu, the figurine from The Exorcist and son of the devil. Crows are flying around the building, in a tribute to Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds. Shaun Ryder is depic...

发布于2005年。由杰米·休莱特、Pete Candeland执导,集众多位达蒙·奥尔本、菲尔·康韦尔、沙恩·雷德、Roses Gabor等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2005(英国)公映的电影。


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Gorillaz: Dare评价

  • Gorillaz: Dare (2005):https://***.bilibili****/video/BV1Mx411A7cH —— Gorillaz 《DARE》草稿与正式版MV对比:https://***.bilibili****/video/BV1ht4y1i7pt
