介绍: JourneyofHanumanpreservesmomentsstillexistinginIndiathathavenotbeendis…… 更多哈努曼的旅行介绍
哈努曼的旅行原名:Journey of Hanuman,
'Journey of Hanuman' preserves moments still existing in India that have not been disturbed by globalization and are connected with the antique spiritual knowledge of India. I wanted to link such scenes with two ***** poets: Octavio Paz, the famous writer, noble prize recipient of Mexico, who served as Mexico's ambassador to India from 1962 to 1968, a time of rapid change and o...
发布于2013年。集众多位彼德·考约特、Rip Brar、Arun Mathai、Bekah Rife、Rachel Rife、Ovais Sheikh、James VanHess、Forest Welton等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2013-09-28公映的电影。