介绍: 90minAbrilliantdocumentaryaboutauniquesetofpeople.JoeLeahyisthehalf-ca…… 更多黑色的收获介绍
黑色的收获原名:Black Harvest,
90min A brilliant documentary about a unique set of people. Joe Leahy is the half-caste son of one of the first explorers of the Papua New Guinean interior. His relations with the local Ganiga tribe who work his coffee plantation on their land are difficult at times. However he has successfully managed to get them to agree to open a second plantation in partnership with him. Th...
发布于1992年。由Robin Anderson、Bob Connolly执导,并于1992-04-04公映的电影。
豆瓣评分未知,暂时没有评分,请继续等待。类型为纪录片的电影。创作于法国、Papua New Guinea、英国、澳大利亚地区,具有英语语言版本。
不容易啊,三部曲之三,居然被我找到了。。。Sad Story