介绍: ThegloryyearsoftheItalianPoliziottesco(cop/crimethriller)wereactuallya…… 更多眼镜蛇之日介绍
眼镜蛇之日原名:Il giorno del Cobra,又名Day of the Cobra
The glory years of the Italian Poliziottesco (cop/crime thriller) were actually already over in 1980, but we gladly make an exception in case director Enzo G. Castellari and actor Franco Nero team up for another cult effort together. The luscious as always Sybil Danning addresses to Franco's character as Humphrey Bogart at one point, and a **** accurate description I couldn't p...
发布于1980年。由恩佐·卡斯特拉里执导,并且由编剧阿尔多·拉多、法比奥·卡尔皮携幕后团队创作。集众多位弗兰科·内罗、西碧尔·丹宁、马里奥·马南扎纳、丽奇妮娅·伦蒂尼、恩尼奥·吉罗拉米、米基·诺克斯、Massimo Vanni、Romano Puppo、Carlo Gabriel Nero、威廉姆·伯格等著名实力派明星加盟。并于1980公映的电影。
三星:Franco Nero不修边幅油腻颓废,四处撞板狼狈不堪。嗯,挺贴近这个苦恼人的**归类生活定**。