介绍: GiuseppeandYoussefaretwofishermenbondbysincerefriendship.GiuseppeisanI…… 更多我,其他介绍
我,其他原名:Io, l'altro,
Giuseppe and Youssef are two fishermen bond by sincere friendship. Giuseppe is an Italian, while Youssef is an Arab, working on the same boat, the two colleagues share everything, included the same first name: Joseph (Giuseppe in Italian, Youssef in Arabic), when cultural conflicts appear, everything quickly messes up...
发布于2007年。由Mohsen Melliti执导,集众多位劳尔·波瓦 Raoul Bova、Giovanni Martorana、Mario Pupella等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2007-05-17公映的电影。