介绍: Aneasyold-fashionedcomedyaboutacomposerwhoiscreatinganewsongforacoming…… 更多不期而遇介绍
不期而遇原名:Juhuslik kohtumine,又名Случайная встреча
An easy old-fashioned comedy about a composer who is creating a new song for a coming festival. The song was **** to be kept in secret. Still, some passer-by accidentally hears the tunes of composing, likes it and teaches the song to his friends who teach it to their friends to play it all together at the festival. So the total mess is coming up ! In the leading role Estonian u...
发布于1961年。由Viktor Nevezhin执导,并且由编剧尤里·贾维特携幕后团队创作。并于1961公映的电影。