介绍: Cemeterymemoryisashortdocumentaryonthehistoryofthetwentiethcentury.Are…… 更多记忆的墓园:生活的片断介绍
记忆的墓园:生活的片断原名:Cemitério da Memória: Fragmentos da Vida Cotidiana,又名Cemetery of Memory - Fragments of the Daily Life
Cemetery memory is a short documentary on the history of the twentieth century. A record on the daily life of common people, not anonymous which lent their names to streets, squares or viaducts. Men and women who are not trampled on the moon, did not start wars, were not stars of cinema or TV, were not in newspaper headlines, do not discovered cure for any disease. People from ...
发布于2004年。由Marcos Pimentel执导,并于2004-12-15公映的电影。