介绍: SurroundedbyminefieldsanddestructionfromtheBosnianwarandnotwelcomebyev…… 更多当我们是他们介绍
当我们是他们原名:Kad smo bili oni,又名When We Were Them
Surrounded by minefields and destruction from the Bosnian war and not welcome by everyone, thousands of migrants are still stranded in the northern part of the war-torn country. Their flimsy tents set up in the woods or abandoned socialist era buildings offer no protection from the harsh Bosnian winter. The food, clothes, firewood and communication are problems but nothing comp...
发布于2021年。由丹尼斯·塔诺维奇、Damir Šagolj执导,并于2021-08(萨拉热窝电影节)公映的电影。
#27th SFF# 纪录片竞赛/BH film-纪录短片。肖像-无人机。片子关注的问题虽说很普世——滞留在申根边界线上的各国难民的悲惨,但是提供了三个非常有趣的点:1. ****时期的**给了不少人庇护;2. 波黑太差了,还不如去塞尔维亚**尼亚;3也是最重要的:片子结尾有个非常有力的问题:“你们还记得我们像他们一样的时候吗?”,一下把波黑战争的悲惨历史串联起来了。不过片子本身大概也就是个电视或者新媒体专题片水平。这个题目仔细做会很有些意思,也是谈难民问题的新角度。