Kiss the Bride


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《Kiss the Bride》在线观看和下载

Kiss the Bride剧情内容介绍

Kiss the Bride

In Rhode Island, in the Italian-American family Sposato, Danni is going to marry Geoffrey Brancato. Danni lives with her parents Santo and Irena and is the third and 'the good daughter' of her family. Her three sisters come for her wedding: the older Nikki, a successful TV starlet, who works in a TV show very similar to 'Baywatch'. Nikki brings her boy-friend and ******* Marty ...

发布于2002年。由Vanessa Parise执导,并且由编剧凡妮莎·帕里斯携幕后团队创作。集众多位阿曼达·达特曼、肖恩·派特里克·弗兰纳里、布鲁克·朗顿、莫奈特·玛佐、艾莉莎·米兰诺、塔莉娅·夏尔、伯特·杨等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2002-10-16公映的电影。


Kiss the Bride资源介绍

Kiss the Bride在线观看资源:目前最高清晰度为:HD,为高清版本,推荐观看。(注意:网络慢的用户不适合观看,请选择低清晰度版本观看)。



Kiss the Bride评价

  • It's **, if you ware a *** and find that you'r not homosexual anymore. Life always changing.

  • nothing special about this film i think
