介绍: ExploringChina’sSouthwest…Onhisdeathbedheclaimed,“Ihaveonlytoldyouhalf…… 更多马可波罗的香格里拉介绍
马可波罗的香格里拉原名:Marco Polo’s Shangri-La,
Exploring China’s Southwest… On his death bed he claimed, “I have only told you half of what I saw!” We believe him. The famous Venetian explorer, raved about the exotic beauty of Yunnan, the magic land beyond the clouds. Poets praise Yunnan as “Shangri-La”, the imaginary, remote, idyllic hideaway where life approaches perfection. Even today, Yunnan remains an enigma to many. T...
发布于2006年。由克里斯蒂·里比执导,并且由编剧克里斯蒂·里比携幕后团队创作。集众多位Louis Fantasia等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2006-06-16(美国)公映的电影。