介绍: PreviouslyunheardinterviewswithKempNiverandHowardWallsfrom1992,thetwom…… 更多Niver vs Walls介绍
Niver vs Walls
Previously unheard interviews with Kemp Niver and Howard Walls from 1992, the two men who helped discover and restore the earliest film collection - the ***** Print Collection from the Library of Congress. The ***** Print Collection is oldest, and one of the most important film collections in the world. It contains 3000 films from the earliest days of cinema, all pre-dating mot...
发布于2016年。由比尔·莫里森执导,并且由编剧比尔·莫里森携幕后团队创作。集众多位Howard Walls等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2016-04(美国)公映的电影。