Oh! My Mother


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  • 地区: 日本
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Oh! My Mother又名オー!マイ・マザー

Writes Ando, "Oh! ** Mother was the first work I made using a newly bought 16mm camera I had purchased with the writer Shuji Terayama in Paris. This piece was selected for the Oberhausen International Film Festival. In 1969, there were, of course, no video cameras like ones we see now, and color TVs were only found at broadcast television studios. I had just been employed at th...

发布于1969年。由安藤紘平(Kohei Ando)执导,并于1969公映的电影。


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Oh! My Mother评价

  • 犹如禁锢在羊水的**之中。母亲从胚胎外凝视我,我在子宫里通过她温暖的身体闭目呼吸。当我睁开眼时,她就是我的万华镜。

  • 生孩的喘气和养孩的怒息,面目全非它就是**的****。
