介绍: Theworkofthefilmeditorsdoesnttakeplaceinthepublic.Weonlyseethefinished…… 更多切割时空介绍
切割时空原名:Schnitte in Raum und Zeit,又名Cuts in Space and Time
The work of the film editors doesn't take place in the public. We only see the finished film as a result of several weeks' concentrated work in the editing. In documentary films very often even the narrative structure is created during the editing process. The editor is the co-author of the film, he deals with rhythm, composition, the relation of ***** and time. On this 2-disc ...
发布于2006年。由Gabriele Voss执导,集众多位Wolf Singer、Alexander Kluge、Beate Mainka-Jellinghaus、Mathilde Bonnefoy、Bettina Böhler、Peter Przygodda等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2006公映的电影。