介绍: AfterhavinglivedandworkedinNewYork,BerlinandBrussels,theBelgianartistG…… 更多重置:纪录片介绍
重置:纪录片原名:Reset: The Documentary,
After having lived and worked in New York, Berlin and Brussels, the Belgian artist Gert Robijns returned to his native village, a small hamlet with fewer than 200 inhabitants. When his grandmother moved into an old people's home, he bought her house and created his masterpiece, Reset Home, a sculpture that combines an artist's residence-cum-exhibition *****. The documentary 'Re...
发布于2016年。由Aldine Reinink执导,集众多位艾未未、Luc Tuymans、Gert Robijns等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2016-04-20公映的电影。