It all began with "Black Friday" - a massacre on Sept 8, 1978, by the Shah's police. Official pronouncements put the death toll at 200, but the next day the people of Teheran witnessed how thousands of bodies were brought to Behast Zahra cemetery. Yet even this wasn't the whole extent of the tragedy. As the families continued looking for their relatives they began to realize ju...
王学圻等人在拍摄过程中还首次在剧组为陈凯歌过起了生日 。姚晨在片中有一场豪饮醉酒戏,而陈凯歌导演也为其**角色舍命陪酒 。
王珞丹在片场对戏忘词是常事,这让与她对戏的赵又廷哭笑不得 。陈燃因在导演面前毫不畏惧的呲牙一笑被选**演,而她在片中也是每次都以神秘的笑容登场 。