介绍: Thismovieismade-upofthreetales,thefirstoneis,YoungBlooditisaboutamarri…… 更多异度诡事介绍
异度诡事原名:Tales of the Third Dimension,
This movie is made-up of three tales, the first one is, "Young Blood" it is about a married pair of vampires who adopt a child and are horrified to discover that it is another kind of monster all together. In "The Guardians," a pair of avaricious grave robbers make a terrible mistake when they visit the St. Francis Abbey cemetery to do a little pillaging. The final episode, "Vi...
发布于1984年。并且由编剧Tom Durham携幕后团队创作。并于1984公映的电影。
分段式恐怖片,这个电影有点像《地*传说》(Tales From The Crypt Season),同样有一个半死不活的骷髅来主持,只不过这个骷髅不怎么搞怪反而有些彬彬有礼的绅士风度。