介绍: ***PetershasjustmovedtothesmalltownofJefferton,bestknownforitsstripmal…… 更多汤姆给市长出点子介绍
汤姆给市长出点子原名:Tom Goes to the Mayor,
*** Peters has just moved to the small town of Jefferton, best known for its strip malls, buffet restaurants and run-down parks. Seeking to make a name for himself, *** begins setting up meetings with the eccentric mayor of the town. Together, they develop a number of pointless ideas that never seem to go anywhere. Sometimes they seem to make things worse. Written by Civonos
发布于2004年。由Tim Heidecker、Eric Wareheim执导,集众多位Tim Heidecker、Eric Wareheim、Stephanie Courtney等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2004-11-14公映的电影。