外出原名:외출,又名A Woman's Outing。1983年剧情类型片,创作于韩国地区,具有韩语语言版本。由金弘波执导,并由金弘波任编剧,携幕后团队创作。集众多位金芝美、南宫远、김보애等著名实力派明星加盟。于1983-09-21(韩国)公映。
SYNOPSIS Song Chi-hwa is an intelligent and beautiful woman in her mid-forties who loves her husband and children dearly. Chi-hwa runs a pottery store where Bang-**, a college professor, does the baking. Her husband works at a construction site of hydro-electric power plant. They see each other once a week. One day, Chi-hwa goes to visit her husband at the site and witnesses hi...
影片中一场五分钟不到的床戏,演员们一共拍摄了九个小时才成功。 在中国内地上映时,全片八分钟“**戏”被删减。裴勇俊因拍片过度劳累,杀青后后突然晕倒。