介绍: 为你着魔原名:Мафтунингман,又名Maftuningman、Очаровантобой、Ocharovantoboy、Deligh…… 更多为你着魔介绍
为你着魔原名:Мафтунингман,又名Maftuningman、Очарован тобой、Ocharovan toboy、Delighted by You。1958年喜剧、音乐类型片,创作于苏联地区,具有乌兹别克语、俄语语言版本。由Yuldash Agzamov执导,并由Turab Tula、Mikhail Melkumov任编剧,携幕后团队创作。集众多位Klara Jalilova、Sanat Divanov、Rano Khamrakulova、Turgun Azizov、Abbas Bakirov、**** Rakhimov等著名实力派明星加盟。于1958(苏联)公映。
Maftuningman is the first Uzbek comedy and is considered to be one of the greatest Uzbek films of all time. Maftuningman depicts many interesting aspects of Uzbek culture and life in Soviet kolkhozes. The movie tells the story of two filmmakers seeking talented people for acting in a musical entitled Maftuningman. One of the filmmakers travels to different parts of the Uzbek SS...
第一个评论!走遍乌兹别克斯坦的音乐***。虽然作为电影真的很一般 但是里面的歌有点** 怪不得举国上下耳熟能详。