介绍: YoungPeterwantssobadlytobeanengineerthathestartstoworkonaninvention.To…… 更多幸运小径介绍
幸运小径原名:Fortune Lane,又名Il sentiero della fortuna
Young Peter wants so badly to be an engineer that he starts to work on an invention. To raise money, he and his friend Tim wash windows. However, Tim needs the money they earn to go to Ireland to visit his grandfather who is very ill, so Peter gives him all the money they have made. Everything works out well for Peter in the end when he is praised as a young genius.
发布于1950年。由约翰·巴克斯特执导,并且由编剧Geoffrey Orme、Mary Cathcart Borer携幕后团队创作。集众多位Billy Thatcher、布莱恩·韦斯克、Angela Glynne、乔治·卡尼、Anthony Holles、Douglas Barr、Nell Ballantyne等著名实力派明星加盟。并于1950-11-05(瑞典)公映的电影。
第9届威尼斯电影节:国际奖 国际电影大奖(提名)。