介绍: 序幕原名:Уводудругиживот,又名IntroductionToAnotherLife、PrologueToAnotherLife…… 更多序幕介绍
序幕原名:Увод у други живот,又名Introduction To Another Life、Prologue To Another Life。1992年剧情、科幻类型片,创作于南斯拉夫地区,具有Serbian语言版本。由Milos 'Misa' Radivojevic执导,并由Mirko Kovac任编剧,携幕后团队创作。集众多位Zoran Cvijanovic、Sonja Savic、Aleksandar Bercek等著名实力派明星加盟。于1992公映。
Introduction to Another Life is an adaptation of a novel with the same name by Mirko Kovac, who was also the scriptwriter for the film. As in his other works, his acute sense for black humor and fantasy adorns Kovac's narrative with a simultaneous and perpetual quest for signs of the other-worldly in concrete historical time. Here, grotesque expression functions to expose the m...