介绍: 助手原名:Асистентът,又名TheAssistant、Asistentat。2002年喜剧类型片,创作于保加利亚地区,具有Bulga…… 更多助手介绍
助手原名:Асистентът,又名The Assistant、Asistentat。2002年喜剧类型片,创作于保加利亚地区,具有Bulgarian语言版本。由Ilia Kostov执导,并由Ilia Kostov任编剧,携幕后团队创作。于2002公映。
Pavel is an amiable loser, teaching at a film institute. He sells out his family apartment and accommodates his mother in a residence for elderly people to start filming his first picture. The bank, however, he deposits his money in, goes bankrupt and he can't afford to pay back the mob the loan taken to buy negative film stock. As for his family, the relations have for a long ...